Looking to get your Medical Marijuana License?
We are a registered provider for MMCC.
Free Cannabis Card Assistance for help with the Maryland Medical Cannabis Commission Board (MMCC)
Once you have been approved for you card, we will handle your approval evaluation process.
This allows for us to help you get the most amount of medication allowed on your license.
We are certified for the following medical conditions:
Anorexia, cachexia, chronic pain, glaucoma, other medical condition which is severe and for which other treatments have been ineffective, post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), seizures, severe nausea, severe or persistent muscle spasms, severe pain, insomnia, anxiety and depression.
Online Application Fee = $25
New License = $150
License Renewal = $100
!!! CASH ONLY !!!
Let's Get Started
Must be located in within Maryland